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WHITESIM IS OUR RELIGION By Arman as related to H. Millard © 2024 |
By Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 We are biological beings. We are composed of flesh and blood. Many religions try to deny the reality of this and even consider our flesh and blood as evil or at least something that must be denied. To those with such false beliefs, what is important is what they consider to be a raceless, non-biological, internal spirit or soul. This denial of the biological reality then leads some to the false belief that since our flesh and blood are not what is important, then race is not important and even that all humans are the same in their souls or spirits that are within them. We say, by contrast, that any internal spirit or soul is the product of our flesh and blood as surely as the scent of a rose comes from the plant version of "flesh and blood" of the rose--the biological entity--the rose and its own DNA code that makes it what it is. While spirit and soul are okay concepts, we often prefer to refer to that "something" that is more than simply flesh and blood that is inside of us as our White Essence and while this is similar to the concepts of spirit or soul, it is a product of our DNA code and is one with our flesh and blood and would not exist but for our White flesh and blood that spiral forth to make us, us. These Teachings of Arman can be called various things but they are religious and thus they constitute a unique religion where our Whiteness is the most essential element just below Divinity, so it is logical to call this faith Whiteism. But to be clear, this is not a worshiping of humans but of God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected Whites among all humans to help fulfill His Sacred Plans. However, it is our Whiteness that is the reason for our selection and is our link to God-As He-Truly-Is and we worship Him through our Whiteness even though many of us have not awakened to the fullness of why we are here and why we are White and that we are selected. In truth, every White person is a potential prayer to God-As-He-Truly-Is just by living and following his instructions, commands, laws and rules. Yes, we are living prayers to God-As-He-Truly-Is. We are the ones that God-As-He-Truly-Is has sought and we are the ones He has evolved and this is shown by our Whiteness which is the color of purity and which is not a trifle. But we are not perfect and we make mistakes and many of us have not awakened to who and what we are and some of us practice evil by mixing or even mating with non-Whites. This is evil and and the major crime we can commit in the eyes of the Lord for it takes us off the sacred path that He demands we take in our lives. The main things that God-As-He-Truly-Is demands of us is that we must remain separate from all non-White humans and seek our White perfection by living as God-As-He-Truly-Is demands of us. We must join together with other Whites who have awakened to the truth and who worship God-As-He-Truly-Is and follow His commands to us as revealed to Arman. Put simply, we must be White in all ways, always. God-As-He-Truly-Is has told us that His symbols are found throughout existence and they can be represented as swastikas, fylfots and spirals. They are one with Him and we must have such symbols near or on our skin at all times as signs of our faith. We can let others see these symbols or have them so we alone can see them to avoid persecution for our religion by those who hate God-As-He-Truly-Is and Whiteness and White people. Anyone or anything that harms us by word or deed or tries to do so in any ways seeks to diminish our numbers and our striving for White purity is evil and must be kept from succeeding with their evil. To repeat: We Whites are selected by God-As-He-Truly-Is and He has put Whiteness on us as a symbol of this. Our Whiteness is essential to us. It is not like paint and is not trivial. It is essential to who and what we are and comes from our essence and our DNA code that was written in us by God-As-He-Truly-Is. There are some who look like us but who are not our kind and they are an abomination. Their mimicry fools some of us to think they are like us. But they are not. They have only a part of the sacred DNA code involving color and they are shallow imitations of us. These Fakes who do evil towards us and God-As-He-Truly-Is and must be prevented from doing so. They represent the evil forces that oppose God-As-He-Truly-Is and want us to go extinct. Not only do they hate our religion, they hate us as the distinct and human human type that we are. In a few words: They hate White people and want our genocide. Adolf Hitler was sent by God-As-He-Truly-Is to help us come to God-As-He-Truly-Is and to survive, thrive, purify and evolve ever purer and ever moving to full species-hood and closer to God-As-He-Truly-Is. Those who look similar to us who are of the great evil forces that oppose God-As-He-Truly-Is and Hitler and defame his memory and his symbols seek to wipe us out from existence and they try to forbid us to use the symbols and speak our minds freely. We must resist the evil ones and we must further God-As-He-Truly-Is's will through our flesh and blood. Take up this faith individually and collectively. Be true to it and be one of God-As-He-Truly-Is's heroes. You can practice this faith all alone or with others and keep your faith secret from those who hate Whites and God-As-He-Truly-Is who would seek to harm you or you can chose to be public. It is your choice as one of God-As-He-Truly-Is's selected kind. God-As-He-Truly-Is does not want us harmed in any way in doing His will. Be clever in times of persecution. Your religious views are personal and no has to know what you truly believe unless you want to share your beliefs with them. THE EVIL LIE THAT THERE IN ONLY ONE RACE THE HUMAN RACE AND THAT RACE IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT Race is not a social construct. It is a term we use in a taxonomic sense to describe different kinds of humans who can be proved to be different by genetic testing. A fingerprint on a wall can be used to determine the race of a person who left it; that's not social construction. Too many Whites subconsciously conflate skin color with paint color as though skin color is like paint over identical automobiles, and then, again subconsciously, think that skin color is a trifle and that underneath the skin color the races are the same. This is very false thinking and helps make Whites think that mixing and mating with Negros is fine. It is not. It is a major sin in the eyes of the Lord and is forbidden. The races have millions of differences when you look at the DNA codes of the different races. So, to help stop this conflation of skin color with paint color we often now use the word Negro to describe Blacks but still use White to describe Caucasians. THE WORD RACE IS REALLY A MISNOMER AS IT IS OFTEN USE Nothing in existence comes with a name on it. We humans have given names to everything. And, we give different things, different names. As far as living organisms go, we have various taxonomic systems. One of the most commonly used taxonomic systems is this: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. Below species but used more informally and not usually included in taxonomic lists is "race." And, it is with "race" that there is much confusion. We hear people all the time saying things such as "There is only one race,the human race." Of course, this is complete nonsense. But, even those who realize that there are different types of humans may say that there is a Black race, a Brown race, a Red race, a Yellow race and a White race. They are also mistaken. Here's the truth. These so called races, identified by color here, are actually subspecies. They are so different that Darwin even suggested that the different so-called races of humans are actually a different genus from each other. Here's what Arman says about races: The German National Socialists back then had it right. Whites are the Aryan species or subspecies of humans and among Aryans (Whites) we have several sub-races which can be called: Falish, Nordic, Mediterranean, Dinaric, East Baltic, Alpine. Arman says it makes little sense for us to try to focus on these sub-races of Whites in the modern world. Instead, we say that there is One White race, the White race, or alternatively, all non-Jewish Whites of European extraction no matter where they were born or live are Aryans. So, to be clear, what exactly is a White person (aka an Aryan)? It is a White person of European extraction born of two White parents who were also born of White parents (and so forth) no matter where they are born or live. Jews are not Aryans and are not considered to be White even though many Jews may look White. # # # |
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